What Robin Eats

"A Strong Body Equals a Healthy Mind."

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Freezer Friendly Pumpkin Waffles, in collaboration with Majka.

Eyes on the prize!

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I’m going to come right on out and say it: you don’t have to be lactating, or a female, to feel the benefits from any Majka products. Majka products were created with new moms in mind because that is an area that is less focused on when it comes to wellness. There is so much focus on preparing for the baby, making sure you’re eating right, and moving your body daily. But then baby arrives and somehow nourishing products kinda disappear and no one tells you to continue taking your prenatal vitamins. Majka took the lead and has given new moms in the fourth trimester easy products to consume to help replenish their body. Like their nourishing lactation protein powder: helps fight postpartum depletion, healthy milk supply, and nourish your milk supply. I can vouch and say that Majka’s lactation bites saved me in the first few weeks of motherhood. I ate a lactation bite every morning around 6am!

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Not lactating? Not a woman? THAT’S OK, Majka can still benefit you in so many ways. Majka’s lactation protein powder is filled with B vitamins, vitamin D3, greens and fruits, vitamin C, iodine, pre and probiotics, chelated minerals, digestive enzymes, and so much more. Mix it with nut milk, blend in a smoothie, or make my Majka pumpkin waffles. They are perfect for the whole family!

Pumpkin Waffles:

  • 1 + 1/3 cups gluten-free flour
  • 1 scoop Majka Nourishing Lactation Vanilla Greens Protein Powder
  • 1/4 cup organic pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup nut milk
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp of melted coconut oil (slightly cooled)
  • 1 large eggs (1 flaxseed eggs for vegan option)
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  • Coconut yogurt
  • Banana slices
  • Cinnamon

Hazelnut Butter syrup drizzle:

  • 1 tbsp melted hazelnut butter (may sub any natural nut butter)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup


  • Blend wet ingredients together then hand mix in dry until just combined. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes! This is key to making the cakes super fluffy.
  • Use a 1/4 cup measuring spoon to ladle batter onto a hot flat skillet. Let cakes cook 3-5 minutes on one side then flip to cook another 2 minutes. Repeat until the batter is gone. Mix together hazelnut butter syrup drizzle in a small dish while the pancakes are cooking. Stack, top with goodies, and enjoy!

Click here to grab yourself, or one for a friend, a tub of Majka’s Nourishing Lactation Vanilla Greens Protein Powder and be sure to use “whatrobineats” at checkout for a discount. Tag a friend who needs Majka in their life! 

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#whatrobinfavors – June top five

Another month has flown by and I cannot believe it. As of yesterday, Poppy is TEN MONTHS old. You better believe I’m already planning her first birthday party because the closer it gets the more my brain becomes total mush. My sweet little gal is growing up!


A new month means I have a new top five for my monthly series. I’m thinking of calling it #whatrobinfavors, thoughts? Shoutout to everyone who suggested names for this series, they were all so creative but this one stuck out to me most.

Food: Cinnamon Snickerdoodle Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies, do I even need to explain? I’ll be honest, I was SO bummed when I pulled these bad boys out of the oven. They were flatter than flat and I didn’t think they’d be worth tasting. Joel begged to differ and said they looked good to him so I let them cool to at least take one bite. At first bite my mouth was salivating and my tastebuds went straight to a bakery cookie I’ve had in the past. Lesson learned: don’t judge a cookie by it’s cover. Click here for the recipe!

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Drink:  If you’ve been following me over on the gram then you know I’m hooked on my cold brew chagaccino. I had my first chagaccino at Alfred last month in LA and was really sad to know I couldn’t go to Alfred everyday to get one. After a couple test recipes I finally got it right! I might be biased but I think my Chagacchino is better than Alfred’s.😊

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Exercise: When we left LA last year I was really bummed to be moving away from FlyWheel. I had been spinning at FlyWheel for the last four years and couldn’t imagine enjoying spin as much anywhere else. That is until I took a RushCycle class. I had heard great things about the class and all the instructors so I thought, “why not?!”. It’s free for your first ride so I wasn’t losing anything taking one class. Five minutes into the class I knew this was my new FlyWheel. RushCycle has a tech pack so you know your gear and speed, the ambiance during class is so fun with the blacklight feature, and the instructor was killing it! The workout was challenging but not too hard where you weren’t able to keep up. Anyone at any fitness level can step into RushCycle feeling confident that they will have a good workout. I now go four times a month and all the instructors I’ve taken are great. I highly recommend taking a RushCycle class at least once!

Item to wear: My postpartum body has been all over the place. A month postpartum I had lost a lot of my pregnancy weight (thank you breastfeeding!) but my hips had expanded a solid 2 inches from giving brith. I’ve been avoiding purchasing new jeans up until this last month. It felt so good to get rid of the jeans and jean shorts I’ve been holding onto because I really don’t see my hips going back anytime soon. If they ever do I’ll deal with that when the time comes, but I bought new Levi’s 501 high rise shorts last week! It feels SO nice to wear jean shorts that fit. If you’re waiting for the time to purchase new jeans/jean shorts, the time is now! Go to an outlet store or utilize apps like Poshmark. I’ve purchased three pairs of Madewell jeans for less than half the price on Poshmark and sold a lot of my clothes there too. You can shop my closet here!

A favorite of Pop’s: Bath time with Poppy is becoming so sweet as she grows but now that she’s growing her sink baths aren’t possible anymore. Joel did some googling and found the PRIMO EuroBath. It fits right in the tub and has a little section for 0-6 months and another section for 6-24 months. People have asked how we store if and we just leave it in our second bathroom tub. Poppy loves being able to sit up and play with her farm animal bath toys. She can stop growing now, k thanks.

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What are you loving this month? Have a drink you’re obsessed with or an item you can’t stop wearing? Comment below because I need to know. Happy Tuesday friends!

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So Many Toys, So Little Time.

So many toys, so little time. Poppy’s developing so fast that we’re always looking for new toys to help her live her best life. Instead of googling “toys for 6-12 months” and reading lists upon list, I have a roundup of Pop’s fav toys and gadgets below for your convenience.

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Please note Poppy’s plastic cup that she held onto for hours. Thanks Pure Burger for the free entertainment.

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Poppy’s favorite things, 6-12 months old:


Other necessities:

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New Baby, Who Dis?

Just when you thought registering for your wedding was rough you realize that registering for a baby is basically registering for an alien. What do baby’s even need/like? For your wedding you’ve dreamt about kitchen appliances for years (hi beautiful dinner sets from Crate & Barrel) but how many times have you dreamt about what diaper pail to put in your kitchen… If you’re anything like me that’s never.


Below I’ve listed the items we’ve registered for in hopes of directing you with your baby registry. Note that some of these items were gifted(*) to us from the company after I reached out to work together. All opinions are my own. 

Baby Registry:

Somehow this list doesn’t seem long enough! I’ll keep this up to date if we add anything else. Or if you have suggestions please comment below! I love hearing from other mama’s about what they’ve found helpful with their bundle of joy.